Visakhapatnam: The Andhra Pradesh police seized Rs 1.3 crore cash in transit from Visakhapatnam to Vijayawada, stuffed in two washing machines which were part of an electrical appliances showroom consignment, said an official on Wednesday.
Police seized the cash, six washing machines and 30 cell phones belonging to a private firm from a mini-cargo truck bound for Vijayawada and arrested three persons acting as couriers, the official said.
“The company was sending the money from its branches in and around Visakhapatnam such as Srikakulam and Vizianagaram to Vijayawada branch to be deposited in a bank there,” Gajuwaka DCP K Ananda Reddy told PTI about the cash seizure.
However, when police asked as to why the cash was being shifted stealthily, Reddy said executives from the electrical appliances chain failed to give a convincing explanation or show proper documents.
Police registered a case under CrPC Sections 102 and 41 and handed over the cash to a local court.
Further, the police have informed the Income Tax Department and GST authorities about the seizure.
(Published 25 October 2023, 15:55 IST)