The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Monday announced the dates for polling in 5 states, in what is seen as the final leg before next year’s Lok Sabha Elections. The date of polling in Mizoram will be November 7, while Chhattisgarh will see votes cast in two phases, the first phase coinciding with Mizoram’s polling day. The second phase of voting in the state will be on November 17. Voting in Madhya Pradesh will be held on November 17, while in Rajasthan and Telangana, it will be take place on November 23 and 30 respectively.
With this, the model code of conduct has come into force in Telangana with immediate effect. Speaking to reporters here, he said video teams and flying squads will be put into action immediately for the control and the movement of any contraband, drugs, cash liquor or freebies.
(Published 10 October 2023, 00:25 IST)