Bengaluru: The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has taken over the probe into the incident in Belagavi where a 42-year-old woman was stripped naked and paraded recently.
State police chief Alok Mohan issued an order to this effect on Saturday.
MA Saleem, Director General of Police, CID, Special Units and Economic Offences, said a special team had been formed and dispatched to Belagavi to take over the case. The team consists of three Superintendents of Police, including a woman SP, and several subordinate officers, he told DH on Sunday.
The three SPs are Sudheer Kumar Reddy C H, Pruthvik Shankar and Rashmi Paraddi. The team will be headed by Reddy and will receive the case papers on Monday, sources in the CID said.
The woman was allegedly stripped, paraded naked, tied to an electric pole and assaulted at Hosa Vantumuri in the Belagavi district on December 11 after her son allegedly eloped with a girl from the same village.
The incident sent shockwaves through the state and put the Congress government on the defensive.
The High Court of Karnataka compared the incident with the treatment of Draupadi in the Mahabharata and ordered the suspension of the local police inspector.
Police have so far made 11 arrests in the case.
(Published 17 December 2023, 11:04 IST)