Saturday, July 27, 2024

Health and spice

Most Indian spices are good for health. It is advised to make them a part of your daily diet. Almost all Indian dishes have a spice as part of the ingredients used to prepare it.

Here are some winners:

l →Turmeric: This spice is a powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and is linked to help improve cognitive function as well as protect from cognitive decline.

l →Ginger: It is known to have positive effects on nausea, blood sugar levels, weight management, high blood pressure, blood lipid levels and inflammatory biomarkers.

l →Fenugreek: This spice is rich in iron and anti-oxidants. It is believed to support heart health, lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar, and is good for your gut.

l →Black pepper: It is said to be good for digestion and hair. It is believed to prevent constipation, help with respiratory diseases, reduce joint pain and detoxify your body.

l →Clove: They are linked to reducing inflammation, removing free radicals from the body, reduce ulcers, and improve liver function. They are a source of beta-carotene and Vitamin A.

Healthy herbs at home

Here are five herbs that are easy to grow by beginners.

l →Coriander aka cilantro: This herb is easy to grow in any container that’s available in your kitchen. Just mix in some seeds in the planting mixture and water daily till the saplings appear.

l →Spring onions: They are easy to grow with the store-bought spring onions’ roots. It needs well-drained soil.

l →Mint: It is another easy herb which needs just some sturdy stems to be planted into the soil. Voila, new leaves start to appear and before long you will have enough mint.

l →Indian borage or doddapatre: It can be used to flavour soups and curries. A stem can be planted in the soil and watered until new leaves appear.

l →Basil: This is a versatile herb and can be planted in any container. It can be grown from seeds.

(Published 20 October 2023, 19:29 IST)

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