Hyderabad: Law enforcement agencies have seized over Rs 100 crore cash, gold and other valuables worth over Rs 145 crore, liquor, freebies among others all worth over Rs 307 crore in poll-bound Telangana, ever since the model code of conduct came into force in the state on October 9.
A total of Rs 105.58 crore in cash, 220.6 kg gold, 894.5 kg silver, and other valuables all worth over Rs 145.6 crore, besides liquor worth over Rs 13.58 crore, ganja valued at Rs 15.23 crore and other items/freebies worth Rs 26.93 crore were seized, according to a statement issued by the office of the state’s Chief Electoral Officer.
From October 9 to October 21, the total cumulative seizure by law enforcement agencies is valued at over Rs 307 crore, it said.
The state goes to polls on November 30.
(Published 21 October 2023, 15:20 IST)