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HomeworldHouse Republicans subpoena Biden's son and brother in impeachment inquiry

House Republicans subpoena Biden's son and brother in impeachment inquiry

Washington: HouseRepublicanson Wednesday issuedsubpoenasdemanding testimony from HunterandJamesBiden, the president’ssonandbrother, as they hunt for evidence to try to build animpeachmentcase against him.

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chair of the Oversight Committee, authorized thesubpoenasof President JoeBiden’sfamily members as well as Rob Walker, one of their business associates. It was the most significant moveintheimpeachmentinquirysinceRepublicansannounced they were opening itinSeptember, despite no evidence that the president had committed high crimes or misdemeanors.

Republicanshave toiled for months to try to find support for their allegations that JoeBidencorruptly profited from his family members’ overseas business dealingsandaccepted bribes. But to date, they have failed to deliver proof to back up their boldest claims.

Thesubpoenasdemand that JamesBidenappear for a deposition Dec. 6andHunterBidenappear a week later. Walker was summoned to appear Nov. 29.

Ina statement announcing thesubpoenasWednesday, Comer accused the president of benefiting from an “influence-peddling scheme”andtelling lies about his “family’sbusiness schemes.”

TheBidenadministration quickly dismissed thesubpoenas, calling theRepublicaninquirya “wild goose chase” whose only purpose is to damage the president with innuendo before the 2024 election.

Comer has already issuedsubpoenasfor the bank records of JamesandHunterBidenas well as their associates,andobtained more than 14,000 pages of documents.

As a result of thosesubpoenas,Republicansobtainedandthen released copies of two checks that showed payments from JamesBidenandhis wife, SaraBiden, to JoeBidentotaling $240,000. Comer portrayed one of the checks as explosive new evidence that JamesBidenandthe president “laundered China money.”

But a lawyer for JamesBidencalled Comer’sallegation “preposterousandhighly misleading,” noting that the checks were to reimburse JoeBidenfor two personal loans he made to hisbrotherwhile he was notinoffice. Bank records reviewed by The New York Times supported that account.

Also Wednesday, Comer demanded that otherBidenfamily members submit to transcribed interviews.

(Published 09 November 2023, 08:41 IST)

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