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HomeworldIsrael to begin four-hour pauses in northern Gaza, says White House

Israel to begin four-hour pauses in northern Gaza, says White House

Washington: Israelwillbeginfour-hourpausesinnorthernGazastarting on Thursdaytoallow peopletoflee hostilities, the White House saidinwhat it called a stepinthe right direction.

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said thepausesemerged out of discussions between US and Israeli officialsinrecent days, including talks US President Joe Biden had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Kirby said thepauseswould allow peopletoget out of harm’s way and for deliveries of humanitarian aid and could be used as a waytoget hostages out.

“We’ve been told by the Israelis that there will be no military operationsinthese areas over the duration of thepause, and that this process is starting today,” Kirby said.

“We understand thatIsraelwillbegintoimplementfour-hourpausesinareas ofnorthernGaza” with an announcementtocome threehoursinadvance,” he said.

He called the news a stepinthe right direction.

“We think these are significant first steps here and obviously we wanttosee them continued for as long as they are needed,” he added.

Kirby also said a ceasefire betweenIsraeland Hamas militants is notinorder because it would help Hamas and “legitimize what they did on October 7 and we simply are not goingtostand for that at this time.”

(Published 09 November 2023, 16:27 IST)

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